If you have some points of interest, these can prove quite useful to spend a night in. If you haven’t found a city yet, and it’s starting to get dark, you will have to find a quick shelter. Making less noise reduces the radius of which zombies and other players can hear you.

Apart from that, doing any activity like scavenging and foraging while in a stealth position makes less noise. Also, make sure that you don’t have any such food that emits smell because that can also blow your cover. Just don’t get too close otherwise, they might see you. Try crouching because it will allow you to sneak around them in plain sight. For instance, if you see a group of zombies ahead that will definitely see you if you try going ahead, then it’s better to enter into the stealth mode by crouching. Sometimes it is best not to draw unnecessary attention. Previously said, when you crouch, you enter in a stealth mode, and stealth can help you a lot in this game.
After you kill your prey, use your stone ax on the corpse to skin it. Crouching puts you in a stealth mode, and while undetected, you will deal bonus damage. When you see a deer, make sure to crouch. To take down a deer and a beer, you will need a ranged weapon. You can outrun animals like chicken, rabbit, and pig, and you can kill them with your melee weapon. On top of that, chickens are the best source of feathers. These animals are the best source of meat. You will also find a zombie bear and a zombie dog, and you are advised to stay away from these. There are five types of wild animals you can find: chicken, pig, rabbit, deer, and beer.

While collecting things on your way to the city, you will stumble upon wild animals.